Monday, November 25, 2013

Tiffany-Look Touch Lamp Giveaway


Tiffany-Look Touch Lamp Giveaway Nov 22-26, 2013 Open to US

The cold season is upon us and we spend lots of time indoors...wouldn't you like something pretty to brighten your room.  This lamp is beautiful and makes any room a beautiful accessory!!

Winter Holiday Season is knocking in our doors. All preparations, recipes, gift lists, events on the calendar to attend – this is just a very small sampling of what needs and has to be done to ensure a smooth celebration. Well, we'd like to add some home ambiance element this time around, like this Tiffany-Look Touch Lamp.
Bringing You Moments To Celebrate
Tiffany-look-Touch-Lamp-home-ambianceSponsored by BrylaneHome
Organized by Celebrate Woman Today
With bright colorful glass light shade, this 3-way touch lamp would brighten up your mood and add a so-needed smile on your face when things are slip away. The firefly accents on the glass make it look unique. With automatic shut-off feature, you do not have to remember to turn it off ever! It'll do it for you. What would be the best spot in your home to place this colorful delight for enjoyment by you and your loved ones? One of you would be a lucky one to win this beautiful lamp.
Prize – Tiffany-Look Touch Lamp, $140 Value
Tiffany-look-Touch-Lamp- BrylaneHome
a Rafflecopter giveaway Announcement-4

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