Just like your home, your finances need to be cleaned up regularly. With spring-cleaning fever around the corner, it’s time to give your winter finances a fresh look and get your credit in tip-top shape. To help you get started, Credit Sesame is giving away $250 in cash! sign up for Credit Sesame to start tracking your monthly credit score and receive real time alerts on credit activities for free and you will be automatically entered for a chance to win $250 in CASH! Did you know that the recent FTC study found that over 20% of Americans or 40 Million credit reports have reporting errors that are costing consumers money in credit card interest rates and loans? Start your spring cleaning by making sure that your credit report does not contain erroneous information that could be impacting your credit score. Keep tabs on your credit report activities and your score by signing up for free credit monitoring and score services like Credit Sesame, so that you can easily protect your financial good standing.
* Receive daily credit monitoring alerts
* Get your FREE Credit Score Monthly
* Limit ID Theft Damage
* Find Potential Errors Sooner
* Get Access to Better Loans and Save Money
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